Site Integration & Site Co-management

AVIFOODSYSTEMS, Inc.® - Database & Site Creation
AVIFOODSYSTEMS, Inc.® wanted seamless integration of its food service sites with its existing university clients. Peterson Design was tasked with blending AVI sites to existing designs, CSS, and Section 508 Web Accessibility Standards. Database requirements were to set up weekly rotations of restaurant menus for multiple locations. Co-Management requirements were to train and instruct local managers in basic site management using Contribute with templates created in Dreamweaver. The local managers modify text content, hours, and graphic advertisements.
After the basic layouts and graphics were created by Peterson Design in concert with AVI, the subsequent modifications are mainly the responsibility of the local managers, with help provided by Peterson Design as needed. The sites are now released to the client:
For more information or a consultation about your project, please call or email.
Integrity, Quality, Service
On the Web since 1993
2251 Windmill Run
Wimberley, TX 78676