Online Marketing Strategies for Web Sites

The Design Imperative
Effective Marketing on the Web takes more than simply getting listed in a search engine. In order to be ranked highly in places like Google you need a well-designed site, because Google will rank your site based upon certain quality criteria. All the marketing in the world will not help you if your site is poorly designed. Peterson Sales' design service is the first step in a complete online marketing package for you or your company.
Social Media Marketing
Facebook Campaigns - Together with our partners at IGOTA, Inc. we have developed effective Facebook strategies that have resulted in over 50,000 likes within one year, driving traffic from Facebook to our online communities. In conjunction with Facebook, we also incorporate Twitter and Instagram as part of our online strategy. See our Facebook page summary for more information.
Google Ad Campaigns
Managed Campaigns - Peterson Design offers targeted ad word placement on Google and Bing. We will manage your ad campaigns and work with you to promote your products and services. Daily maximum amounts can be set so you will not go over your budget. You can spend as little as $5 per day, and your advertisements can be targeted to reach a 25 mile geographic radius! Campaigns can be paused and restarted for seasonal items. We will help you uncover strategic keyword combinations that will maximize your placement on paid search for the minimum amount of money. Campaign set up first month management starts at $500. After the strategy is set and working, ongoing management can cost as little as $5 per month, or more if you desire more active management and new targeted programs.
Marketing Online with Traditional Media
Regional Marketing - one of the most effective methods for
advertising your site is a coordinated media campaign coupling online
strategies with traditional marketing techniques. Targeted mail campaigns,
magazine, billboard, and radio ads can be used to magnify regional
awareness of your web business. If you have a traditional retail outlet
store, a web site can increase your sales up to 25 percent per year.*
National Strategies
National Marketing Campaigns. If you have a niche product,
you may be able to market your site far less expensively than you
might expect. However, if you are serious about developing an ongoing
national clientele, you need to consider developing a community site.
Monthly magazines, news releases, industry updates, email lists, and
database services are necessary marketing tools to help you keep your customers informed and interested.
Search Engine Strategies
Search Engine promotion of your site can be a full time pursuit. There are two approaches: a "fast build" campaign for name recognition, and a "slow build" approach. Peterson Design has fast build promotion packages starting at $4,000 per month. These packages include coordinated news releases, keyword improvements, and sponsored internet advertising. A slow build approach is tailored to your budget requirements. It may include Google and Bing ad word campaigns and paid submissions to search engine portals.
Marketing Options on the Web
- Targeted Electronic Magazines - Free to your Client Base
- HTML5 Designs - Multimedia for the Web
- Do you NEED a Web Site? - A Guide to using the Internet for Business
- The Marketing Mentality: Three Keys to Success!
We don't believe in marketing hype, but neither do we believe that
you must spend billions of dollars to create a market share. If you
want to check our references or discuss strategies, please give us
a call or write us.
We'll be happy to help you evaluate your market potential.
* According to the Small Business Administration
figures, for 1998.
Kent Peterson, Pres.
Peterson Sales
2251 Windmill Run
Wimberley, TX 78676