Package Prices for Websites with Mobile Features

Packages For Web Sites
All Packages Now Include Mobile Compatibility.
New sites will be built from the ground up with mobile phones in mind. Mobile access to client websites is now approaching 70% of the visits made to the sites.
Package 1 - Complete E-Commerce Site Design, Web hosting, and Email boxes:
Package includes: - Web site graphic design and layout, text copy,
with animation elements [animation accents/banners]. Photo preparation and compression for web of your
original photography.† Stock Photography. - 1 year Web hosting and Email
mailboxes [In subsequent years, the annual hosting fee would be $300
per year.] - Search engine preparation and submission to automated
search engines. Search Engine Preparation and submission to Google, BING, and Open Directory, Analytics Tracking for effectiveness. Social Media setup.
Package 2 - Single Site Design: $1,500
- $2,500 - Web site graphic design and layout, text copy,
- Photo scanning and compression for web of your original photograph.†
Stock Photography. - Search engine
preparation and submission to automated search engines. Search Engine Preparation and submission to Google, BING, and Open Directory, Analytics Tracking for effectiveness. Social Media setup.
Package 3 - Single Site Design, Web hosting, and Email boxes: $1000
-$1,700 - Up to 5 pages - Web site graphic design and layout, text
*Packages are examples. Prices vary according to client requirements.
† (Base price includes up to 100 images)
E-Commerce Options and Database Services - Prices for e-commerce packages vary greatly. For small accounts with
few items, there are low cost credit card services which have no monthly
fees. Or, if you wish to use your existing retail merchant account and
phone in all transactions, you can add Internet sales to your retail
business without a large expense. However, as your online business increases,
these options are no longer practical.
- - Mail management of clients - if needed, $35 per month.
- - Brochure and business card design $350 (with web package) plus printing costs.
- - Digital and Analog Video Services and Streaming Media - $500 - $15,000
- - Prep and submit small site to top 50 - 100 free search engines
- $300
Hourly Rate: $50.00
Remember - You Get What You Pay For
If you want an original site, you need to be willing to pay for the time for the artist to design and create unique layouts. A stock page can be put up in a day, a page with original graphics may take 3 weeks to develop!
Google Campaign Advertising
Effective advertising Campaigns on the Web can be less expensive than you may think. For clients with a small regional business, online advertising can be targeted to a radius of 25 miles to 200 miles from your store location. Because the radius is small, your costs for click ads to your site can be very inexpensive. Campaigns start at $600 for set up, monitoring, and refining the ads for 1 month. Google will bill you directly for the click-throughs to your account, and you can set a daily limit on how much you are willing to spend on a campaign, so you will never break your budget.
For larger media campaigns, Peterson Design uses subcontractors and advertising agencies. For targeted marketing campaigns for under $50,000, may we suggest you consider our E-Magazine Program?